Precept Ministry
The QBC Precept Ministry is a serious Bible Study ministry that roots the people of God in the Word of God. We are bound by a strong belief in the unshakable authority of the Word and its unchanging relevance to our lives. As we study and glean these insights, we gain wisdom not of the world, but of the God Almighty, who loves us and instructs us in His way.
We are part of the Precept Ministries International. We help people to see truth for themselves by employing the inductive method. We teach people the art of interpretating scriptures through intensive cross-referencing, and ending with a personal insightful understanding and application of the Word of God.
We began with a class in January 2008. Within a year, 2 classes were added. Today, we have 6 weekly classes with a total of 5 facilitators and 140 students, a fifth of whom are young adults. Once every other year, we have the biennial Precept conference in Singapore where world renowned speakers bless us with their teachings.
Our weekly classes are open to members from other churches, and we warmly welcome you to join us in our journey of study and discovery.
Deacon Tjin Swee Chuan
Jennie Fong