
Prayer Ministry

Our vision begins with these words - “To become a spirit filled and fervently praying church family …”. At QBC, our first dream is to become a house of prayer.

The apostle Paul prayed that the Ephesians “18 may have the strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 5)

To be a house of prayer means our goal isto experience God through a personal and corporate revival - “to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that we maybe filled with all the fullness of God.”

To achieve that we aim to grow our prayer life together in 4 separate dimensions – breadth; length; height; and depth.

In the area of depth, we aim to dig down and build the foundation of our prayer meetings deeply on the word of God. In each prayer meeting, we will learn to pray biblically (and creatively)for a specific area of our lives.

In the area of height, we aim to reach up and encounter God in a special way.

In the area of breadth, we aim to reach out and pray not just for those who are in our church but to embrace our community’s needs and the nations’ needs in our prayer.

In the area of length, we aim to grow spiritually taller and be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. To achieve these goals, we have four different types of prayer meetings –weekly intercessor groups, monthly prayer meeting, quarterly revival meeting, and prayer retreats. 

1. Weekly intercessors groups – We meet weekly to intercede for the requests that come through the manual and electronic prayer box. We also focus on praying for our Sunday worship.

2. Monthly prayer meeting – We meet every first Wednesday of the month to practice “word based prayer” – to learn to pray for a specific cause through the application of a specific passage.

3. Quarterly revival meeting – We meet the first Saturday of the quarter to pray for a spiritual revival for our church based on the word of God. It is usually a time of repentance and rededication.

4. Prayer retreat – We meet once a year to go deep into experiencing God and listen to His voice.

Worship Timings

English Onsite Service will be held in church on every Saturday @ 7-8.15pm & Sunday @ 10-11.15am in Agape Sanctuary (L3)

Join us on QBC Online Services! ( on Sundays @10am for English Service.


Upcoming Events

Let's Jiak! - CNY Hosting Outreach 2025

Saturday Service - 7 pm Sunday Service - 10 am

12.30-2.30pm @ QBC

Sundays 11.30am-12.30pm @ Rm 02-03

11.30am @ Faith Sanctuary (L4)


- A Spirit-filled and fervently praying church family
- Raising generations of disciples and servant leaders
- Impacting our community and beyond for Christ


  • 495, Margaret Drive,
    Singapore 149305
  • +65-64718065 (English Congregation)
  • +65-64718061 (Chinese Congregation)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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