Small Groups

Small Groups

Our small group ministry is called DGs (Discipleship Groups). Our terminology conveys our vision of using small groups as our key strategy of developing church members & regular worshippers to be disciples for Jesus Christ.

As Christians, we all know the importance of discipleship, but most of us do not know how to become a disciple. At QBC, we look at how the Master did with His twelve disciples while He was on earth. The Discipleship Group Ministry is very intentional and follows a four-phase development model. Our first phase is “Knowing God” which focuses on young Christians and pre-believers. The second phase is “Loving God” which focuses on developing basic spiritual disciplines. The third phase is “Serving God” which focuses on the development of our spiritual gifts & Talents in Christian service. The fourth phase is “Glorifying God” which focuses on mentoring and leadership.

Most small groups focus on fellowship and friendship. At our DGs, you will find fun, fellowship, support and encouragement in the Lord. But there is one more unique element- mutual accountability. We believe that the journey of transformation into Christ-likeness requires both the Word of God and mutual accountability. But the process is full of relationship and delight.

There are 20 DGs that are spread geographically all over Singapore. Please contact us if you would like to join a DG near your home.


Cultural Ministry

QBC believes in impacting the community from Singapore as well as other nations for God. Besides addressing the local communities, QBC believes that in supporting communities from other countries. Our goal is to provide a place where believers and pre-believers from other nationalities can gather together to have fellowship, to worship God, to pray and to study God's Word together with people from their own country. In line with this QBC has started several cultural ministries as listed below. We hope that through our ministry the community that comes to meet here will become more effective followers of Jesus and be a greater blessing to their families here as well as back home. The following communities currently meet at QBC:


Filipino Ministry

Lunch fellowship; Worship; Group discipling on 2nd to 4th week of the month;
- Venue & Time : Lunch (Fellowship Hall) – 11.45 am – 12.45 pm
- Worship and Group discipling (Rm N1, N2 and B) – 12.45 pm – 2.30 pm

Special programs or outing on 5th week of the month when it occurs.

Lifestyle Groups

At QBC we understand that there are people around us with unique needs and common interests that are keen to meet together for fellowship, for support, to pray for each other and to study God's Word together as it relates to their needs. We have several unique community groups that gather regularly to meet the needs of their participants. We welcome anyone who is interested to join a group that you have a common interest in.


GEMS is an informal social support group for ladies whether married or single, homemaker or working professional. The group is formed to be a gathering where women who understands women can come together to provide provide social support and uphold each other in prayer. The ladies in the group seek to enhance fellowship through having lunch together and through other fun and group activities. As an outreach we also provide encouragement through the organization of Christian sharing. Activities are organized about 2-3 times a year.

Please contact Cheng Mun at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.


M3 is a platform for men whether young or old to meet together in a safe environment where they can be authentic and real to fellowship together, to share, to be encouraged, to provide and receive support, and to pray for each other.

M3 meets once a month on every 1st Saturday for breakfast 7-10am in QBC as well as organize add-hoc events. For example in 2014 we held a Wife Appreciation Dinner. M3 is also a member of Men Ministry Network (MMN) Singapore (alliance of more than 30 churches). We join the MMN for its events such as Men in Prayers and conferences like Elijah 7000, Father's Heart and others.

For more information on M3, please contact Jason at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The FUTURES is a ministry to the seniors in our Church and community. We see our seniors as part of the Church body, participating in its activities and ministries.

Nonetheless, we recognize interests and concerns that are specific to our seniors. We have fellowships and talks on topics such as “the brain and maturity”, “Dementia and the soul”. Friday mornings are for walks at Mount Faber, Sentosa, Kent Ridge or Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. Monday nights are for waltz Dancing Class.

Leisurely short trips to Batam and Malaysia are occasionally available.

Can we mutually encourage and benefit each other? Let’s get together.

Please contact Ng Seng Sum at 96781011 or Evelyn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Worship Timings

English Onsite Service will be held in church on every Saturday @ 7-8.15pm & Sunday @ 10-11.15am in Agape Sanctuary (L3)

Join us on QBC Online Services! ( on Sundays @10am for English Service.


Upcoming Events

Let's Jiak! - CNY Hosting Outreach 2025

Saturday Service - 7 pm Sunday Service - 10 am

12.30-2.30pm @ QBC

Sundays 11.30am-12.30pm @ Rm 02-03

11.30am @ Faith Sanctuary (L4)


- A Spirit-filled and fervently praying church family
- Raising generations of disciples and servant leaders
- Impacting our community and beyond for Christ


  • 495, Margaret Drive,
    Singapore 149305
  • +65-64718065 (English Congregation)
  • +65-64718061 (Chinese Congregation)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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