
Worship Ministry

Vision & Mission

The vision and mission of the QBC Worship Ministry is to facilitate and enable Christ-exalting and Holy Spirit-led worship that glorifies God, our Heavenly Father. The ministry is a family of singers, musicians, ushers, greeters, audio, media, floral arrangement and holy ordinance servers who are committed and unified to serve God and the people.

Contact persons:  

Pastor Sheila Ong 
Mr Kevin Ng

1) Ushering Team 

The Ushering Team plays a vital role in welcoming and extending hospitality to existing congregants and visitors to QBC. Our ushers, greeters, coffee corner and hospitality volunteers bring about the experience of a warm, friendly and impactful impression within the church compound.  

2) Worship Team 

The Worship Team exhibits a daily lifestyle of a passionate and an intimate love for the Lord Jesus Christ. The team guides the worship of God primarily through the Word, prayer and music. Songs chosen are Bible-based and gospel-centred, sung with a joyful and grateful spirit, while music is skillfully and excellently played to the Lord.

Our music servers include singers, ad-hoc special item vocalists, keyboardists, drummers, bassists, acoustic guitarists, percussive, wind, brass and stringed instruments.    

Our media servers design and produce impactful visual aids to draw and point people to Jesus Christ in worship.

Our audio servers produce impactful and quality sounds in music and speech to draw and point people to Jesus Christ in worship.

3) Worship Choir 

The Worship Choir encourages ALL believers to use their God-given voice, the most natural instrument to sing, express and proclaim the beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ in songs.

4) Floral Arrangement
The Floral Arrangement Team designs, decorates and creates beauty inside the worship hall weekly for Sunday services, and other areas of the church premises according to important Christian seasons like Advent, Christmas, Lent, Good Friday and Easter.

5) Holy Ordinance - The Lord's Supper

The Holy Ordinance Team prepares the Lord's Supper once a month for Sunday services and other occasions.    

Be a part of our ministry today!!!

Worship Resources Access Link

Worship Timings

English Onsite Service will be held in church on every Saturday @ 7-8.15pm & Sunday @ 10-11.15am in Agape Sanctuary (L3)

Join us on QBC Online Services! (http://qbc.org.sg/streaming) on Sundays @10am for English Service.


Upcoming Events

Let's Jiak! - CNY Hosting Outreach 2025

Saturday Service - 7 pm Sunday Service - 10 am

12.30-2.30pm @ QBC

Sundays 11.30am-12.30pm @ Rm 02-03

11.30am @ Faith Sanctuary (L4)


- A Spirit-filled and fervently praying church family
- Raising generations of disciples and servant leaders
- Impacting our community and beyond for Christ


  • 495, Margaret Drive,
    Singapore 149305
  • +65-64718065 (English Congregation)
  • +65-64718061 (Chinese Congregation)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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