
Evangelism Ministry

We are committed to fostering a church-wide culture of evangelism. Our aim is to encourage every member to share the good news of Jesus so others might believe in Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

Rom 10: 14
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”

Our outreach programmes are held throughout the year to provide members with opportunities to reach out to pre-believing friends and family. Alpha courses are conducted twice a year for those who wish to explore the basics of the Christian faith in a non-intimidating and friendly atmosphere. We also conduct Open Groups to support and guide new believers as they begin to grow in their faith and teach them truths from the Bible.

Pre-believing friends can also be invited to other Outreach events and talks held at various times through the year.
We firmly believe that prayer is a necessary part of evangelism efforts, and we have a prayer team to intercede for every outreach and evangelism effort.

“We talk of the second coming; half of the world has never heard of the first.” Oswald J. Smith

Alpha courses

Alpha courses are 10-week introductions to Christian basics. They are conducted twice a year for seekers and new believers to explore the Christian faith in a non-intimidating and friendly environment.

Open Groups

Open groups enable new believers to build their spiritual foundation through weekly bible studies. They also enable them to bond with other believers through social activities. New believers will be equipped to share the gospel with their pre-believing friends.

Outreach events

Outreach events are organized on a regular basis to reach out to pre-believers who have not had the chance to fully understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These range from street evangelism to social events in a Christian setting.

Come join us to fulfill the Great Commission on our own shores. For more information please contact the church office or send an email to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Worship Timings

English Onsite Service will be held in church on every Saturday @ 7-8.15pm & Sunday @ 10-11.15am in Agape Sanctuary (L3)

Join us on QBC Online Services! (http://qbc.org.sg/streaming) on Sundays @10am for English Service.


Upcoming Events

11.30am-12.30pm @ Agape Sanctuary (L3)

Saturday Service - 7 pm Sunday Service - 10 am

Let's Jiak! - CNY Hosting Outreach 2025

12.30-2.30pm @ QBC

1-4 June 2025 @ Holiday Inn, Malacca


- A Spirit-filled and fervently praying church family
- Raising generations of disciples and servant leaders
- Impacting our community and beyond for Christ


  • 495, Margaret Drive,
    Singapore 149305
  • +65-64718065 (English Congregation)
  • +65-64718061 (Chinese Congregation)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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